
The SCO receives the 2024 Hubert Curien Award

Published on 18/10/2024
What a source of pride! On Wednesday 16 October 2024, the SCO was awarded the Eurisy Hubert Curien Award, which "rewards outstanding efforts to help society benefit from space". We would like to thank Eurisy and share this international recognition with our entire community.

Pictured above, from left to right: Jasper Wamsteker (NSO), Claire Elss (Cosmos for Humanity), Dominique Tilmans (Eurisy), Amalia Ercoli Finzi (winner of the Hubert Curien 2022 prize), 4 representatives of the SCO Frédéric Bretar, Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Alexia Freigneaux (CNES) and Giovanni Rum (ASI), Annalisa Donati (Eurisy).

Space for everyone

Created by the Eurisy association, the Hubert Curien Award is presented every two years to individuals or organizations who have made a contribution to promoting international cooperation in the field of space. It particularly honors initiatives that facilitate the use of space data for the benefit of society, with an emphasis on the dissemination of and access to these technologies at international level.

This is the first year that the prize has been awarded to an organization rather than an individual. In 2022, the prize was awarded to Amalia Ercoli Finzi, an Italian space engineer and academic. As a designer of space missions, she has worked all her life to promote the presence of women in science, technology and engineering.

H Curien award

The Hubert Curien Award is named after Hubert Curien, former Chairman of the ESA Council and French Minister of Education, who was behind the creation of Eurisy.

Award ceremony at IAC 2024

The award ceremony was held at the IAC 2024 in Milan on 16 October at 12 noon on the stand of the Italian space agency ASI.

Following an introduction by Dominique Tilmans, President of Eurisy, the three nominees - Space for Climate Observatory, Cosmos for Humanity and SpaceBuzz - each gave a three-minute presentation on their organization and their respective roles in the use of space data for the benefit of society.

Amalia Ercoli Finzi, the 2022 winner, then went on to stress the importance of international cooperation to develop space data and technologies, and presented the prize to the SCO.

♥️ We would never have got this far without our incredible community: space agencies and international organizations, scientists from all fields, ministries and public agencies, elected representatives and local players, private companies, associations, volunteer citizens... This award is yours, thank you for your commitment!

Eurisy, an association linking society and space

A non-profit association based in Paris, Eurisy brings together national space agencies, international organizations and space-related research institutes.

Eurisy is mandated by its members to facilitate links between Space and Society and to fully exploit existing synergies. Eurisy contributes to the emergence of new areas of interest for space technologies, such as climate change, water management, search and rescue operations, smart cities and cultural heritage.

🤝 SCO & Eurisy : a shared mission

Eurisy and the SCO promote the use of space technologies to solve global challenges. While Eurisy focuses on the application of space technologies in a number of areas (health, agriculture, transport, etc.), the SCO specifically targets climate challenges.

🙏 Thank you to Eurisy for believing in our mission, this award reinforces our determination to continue this remarkable adventure that is the SCO!