
Freeze frame: the French Grand Ouest seen from the ISS

Published on 04/05/2021
Astronauts are in the best position to see how beautiful but fragile our Earth is. This superb view of the French territory, with Brittany region in the foreground, posted on Saturday, May 1, 2021 by Thomas Pesquet, is an example.

For his second stay aboard the International Space Station ISS, the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet repeats his shots of the planet, captured through the window - aka "the dome" - of the ISS.

On Saturday, May 1st, Thomas sent this image where Finistère and all of Brittany region stand out in the foreground, followed by a good part of France, sunny in the north and cloudy in the south. We take this opportunity to propose you to discover two SCO projects tested in Brittany: BOSCO, labelled in February 2021, to serve water resources, and Littoscope, labelled in March 2020, to fight against marine submersions and anticipate them.

Logo MIssion Alpha

Thomas Pesquet is on his second stay on the ISS as part of the Alpha mission. The mission's logo is a testament to the role that space can play in meeting today's challenges, and it features the colors of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, on which the SCO projects are based.