
1st COPIL for FloodDAM

Published on 18/01/2021
COPIL, remember this little word because it will become common in the SCO news that will follow the evolution of the labeled projects. COPIL means Steering Committee, regular meetings of the partners of a project - the consortium - to activate its implementation and monitor its progress. For FloodDam, December 14 marks its 1st COPIL, which aims to lay the governance and milestones of the project.

In the preamble, the essence of the FloodDam project is recalled: develop local and global flood risk maps and warning tools by mobilizing space technology.

With Vigicrues already mobilized on these issues, his representative expresses the challenge of the expected coherence between the productions from FloodDam and those that the Vigicrues network works in conjunction with its partners on behalf of the players in crisis management. She invited the DREAL Occitanie, flood forecasting and humidity department, as well as the head of the crisis management department of Haute-Garonne Prefecture, to the exchange.


From input data, mainly from the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites, FloodDam is organized into five modules or workplans (WP):

© FloodDAM


NB: with regard to the processing of Sentinel data, the project benefits from software bricks from the predecessor project of FloodDAM, which will be improved thanks to the feedback of the partners.

Main decisions

  • The experimentation area will focus on the Garonne and its tributaries (Aude is discarded because it benefits from a similar SCO project, FLAUDE).
  • 5 measurement points will complete the Vortex network of stations in this perimeter, the location of which will be determined with DREAL and CNES to obtain the best complementarity with the existing stations.
  • Governance:  synchronize the project schedule with the occurrence of COPIL meetings + determine the policy of sharing and disseminating data, especially during an ongoing event for the benefit of crisis management.
